
Ignite Team Performance Through Reflective and Autonomous Learning

Getting Started with the Savvygoat App

Savvygoat empowers educators to gamify team-oriented, experiential learning, enhancing the quality of students' work, collaboration, reflection, leadership, and planning.

Real-time visibility of teams’ progress and performance

Improve quality by providing live
feedback and support

Identify problems and steer teams
back on track

Improve accountability and leadership skills

Improve engagement and team

Streamline communication with video, audio and text messaging


Savvygoat converts educators into Herders, transforming their team-based courses into mountains. They guide their "Goats" to the summit, following a unique path of tasks via each milestone.

Savvygoat provides reflection tasks at every milestone to help the “Goats” navigate their team dynamics. Herders gain visibility, analytics, and support mechanisms to ensure their teams don't lose their way.


Our Champions

Savvygoat has successfully run pilots in the UK, Europe and North America. With the help of three entrepreneurial lecturers we have refined our proposition and the platform functionality and we are now looking to extend our beta trials to include other institutions.


Dr Antonio Malfense Fierro

University of Hull

Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Programme Leader for BA Business Management with Entrepreneurship (2018 onwards). Knowledge Exchange lead for Hull University Business School.

Dr Rajiv Vaid Basaiawmoit

Aarhus University

Head of Sci-Tech Innovation & Entrepreneurship Evidence-based Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Educator, Entrepreneur, Game-designer & Gamification architect.

Jonathan Moore

University of Connecticut

MIS Program Director, OPIM Department, School of Business at University of Connecticut. I am an advocate for keeping technology human. I see the gap between how people use technology and how fast the field is progressing.

The Savvygoat Proposition

Hear our champions views of some fundamental questions about what Savvygoat is and how it can benefit you, your students and your course. These seven short videos contain three views lasting about a minute each.

How would you define Savvygoat?

Does the metaphor of a Mountain with Goats and Herders work from an academic perspective?

If Savvygoat isn’t a race to the top of the mountain, what is it?

Where does Savvygoat fit in the market, is it a type of LMS or is it a project management or team collaboration tool?

From an academic perspective what are the main benefits of using Savvygoat?

What have students said about their experience of using Savvygoat?

What do you think are the benefits of gamifying the process?


Savvygoat Learning Fundamentals

We challenge individuals and teams to be more successful by learning about:

  • Leadership

    Encourage leadership by requiring individual team members to take ownership of submissions and plan work to meet deadlines.

  • Responsibility

    Help individuals realise their personal contribution to the team through the feedback and points awarded to tasks that they are involved with.

  • Collaboration

    Make it easy for teams to share information, message each other and get support from course leaders all within a single platform.

  • Resilience

    Evoke real-world pressures by displaying misjudgements, poor quality and inadequate planning through team reflections and visible reporting.

  • Proactivity

    Encourage teams to improve their performance and explore topics in greater depth by creating their own tasks and crafting a unique pathway.